Ayurveda, the divine way of life is a 5,000 year old knowledge of natural healing that dates its origins in the Vedic culture of India. It is the first medical system which emphasizes on the motto 'Prevention is better than cure.’
In ancient time, when diseases emerged and obstructed the successful implementations of Dharma (religious beliefs), Dharati (earth), Kamana (desire), and Moksha (freedom), learned ‘Mam’s’ and sages held an intellectual conclave in the Himalayas. Ari eminent sage, Sage Bharadwaj was sent to Lord Indra to seek a yeilding solution to this problem. Comming to the rescue, Lord Brahma unleashed the benevolent knowledge of Ayurveda and arranged it in total oforie lakh sutras. These satras were then divided into eight sub branches and were handed over to The Ashwini kumar’s and they ultimately handed it over to Lord Indra